Cocktails... a fun drink to now a life saving medicine

Cocktails, they were fun drinks now they are a delicate balance of medications to treat my pain while keeping me healthy. Last year at this time, I would have enjoyed a glass of wine on date night.. nowthe thought doesn't even enter my mind.  They say a glass of red wine is good for the heart but to me all I can think about is the effects it can have on my blood thinners. Will the alcohol cause my blood to get too thin or too thick? It's truly amazing how those tiny little pills can have such a life saving effect on keeping my two stents open.

Its hard to believe its been almost 8 months since my heart attack. I have struggled with chest pain off and on since that crazy night. As many of  you know, those painful events have caused 4 additional nights in two different hospitals. And the crazy, frustrating thing is when we get discharged we havemore questions than answers. 

Today as I write my blog I look at my pill box that has now been turned upside down and inside out. What you ask is she talking about? My doctors have decided to go back to the night I had my heart attack and start from the beginning. It began with a call to my doctor 2 weeks ago saying I needed to be seen for chest pain. They were able to get me in right away and as I sat in the office waiting for the doctor I could see the nurses had a funny look on their faces. Hmmmm. I wondered what do they know?  They began to ask me questions about why brought me in. I stated I was having chest pressure and pain. Right away they did an EKG which was normal.. Of course it is silly.. this is just me! Chest pain, pressure and no EKG changes Thank God!! 

The doctor came in put her papers on the desk and said Melissa, Melissa, Melissa what are we going to do with you? I said I know right? I was a normal, healthy lady until I went and had a heart attack and now I can't stop getting chest pain. She said that they went back to the cath lab that morning before I came in and reviewed my films of the actual heart attack on 2-11-16 and the films from my cath procedure in Iowa City in July.. and all LOOKED GOOD!! She said we are starting from the beginning with you. We think you are having continued vasospasms in your artery from where the stents are. She stated there can be many reasons, first I'm young and my arteries aren't rigid which normally is the case in older people. Also, some of the medicine can be causing this. So... leading to the pill box discussion, throw this away, start taking this and you no longer need this.

After two weeks of medicine changes I am feeling great! The chest pain is minimal and I feel like a whole new women.. I know the song " I feel like a women" just popped up in my head too. Hind sight is 20/20 and I wish we would have figured this out say.. 7 months ago but at least we have it figured out now. One of the side effects of my new meds is a slow heart rate and low blood pressure.. But as I tell Brenna as long as I'm talking I'm okay. 

I am going to post a link to the American Heart Associations support network for you out there that might need a little support along this crazy journey we call recovery 

I find it an amazing resource to reach out to people who have either been in my shoes or are trying to prevent a heart attack or stroke.

In the end:




Enjoying every second of my life.. while preventing a second heart attack!!

Just one second. I feel like I've been told a hundred times had I waited another second, a minute or for sure 30 minutes I wouldn't be here today! I read recently that the American Heart Association has a new campaign "Don't wait for a second." When reading through this, I started thinking what am I doing to prevent a second heart attack? I graduated cardiac rehab with a few hiccups along the way.. not many people can say they that cardiac rehab sent them home and said come back next week. ( Yep, acute pericarditis got the best of me) My chest pain would come and go that my speed on the treadmill would make a turtle laugh! I quit caffeine cold turkey; boy was that painful. I remember asking for Diet Pepsi in the hospital due to a major headache not realizing it was caffeine free on the cardiac units. (UGH!!) Detoxing off caffeine was similar to childbirth, ouch!! I no longer drink alcohol. My glass of white wine when on date night with my hubby is a thing of the past.

Not letting my heart attack slow me down... Enjoying every day!

Not letting my heart attack slow me down... Enjoying every day!

You are probably wondering why in the world would I give all this up? Simple, I will do everything possible on God's green earth to never have to experience the sights and sounds of a cath lab!!

Below are the five steps that American Heart Association Recommends for preventing a second heart attack:

1. Take your medicines

2. Manage your risk factors

3. Get Support

4. Connect with your doctor

5. Participate in cardiac rehab

Here is how I manage to incorporate the five steps into my life on a daily basis. Keep in mind I am by no means perfect. I sneak in a burger and fries every once and awhile.. ok, maybe a little more frequent than that! But, remember we are all human, and we have been given a second chance at life so give yourself credit when you do the best you can at prevention.

1. Take your medicine: I am a fanatic about making sure I take my meds every day. This is the nurse in me. I have a pill box and fill it every Sunday night. Crazy, aren't medicine boxes for nursing homes? Nope, its the new cool thing to display on your countertop!  If you don't have one, be sure to run out and get one. Medicine is only one piece of the puzzle to prevention.... So always keep it as your #1 priority.

Bruises.. Bruises everywhere. The day folding laundry became dangerous!!

Bruises.. Bruises everywhere. The day folding laundry became dangerous!!

The side effects of blood thinners.. they keep the stents open but makes you look like a pin cushion

2. Manage your Risk Factors: This can be tough because some risk factors are modifiable, and some are non-modifiable. I maintain my modifiable risk factors by taking a statin to keep my cholesterol low, and I follow the cardiac diet( I know this can be very trying at times.. but it does the body good.) I try to make simple changes everyday like eating white meat, vegetables and fruit, and little to no salt. I walk every day and don't smoke. The non-modifiables are a little harder to control... I can't change my family history or age.. which sadly just keeps going up every year!! Always keep in mind that stress can contribute to heart disease. As Mark Twain says " I've had a lot of worries in my life.. Most of which never happened."

3. Get Support: I have relied on my family and friends to get me through this crazy experience! We have talked about my heart attack five ways to Sunday. It seems like every once and awhile the thought of "WHAT IF?" sneaks into my thoughts. TALK, TALK, TALK.. don't let your wandering mind get the best of you. You're alive.. make it worth it!!

4/5. Connect with your doctor and Participate in Cardiac Rehab: I lump these two in the same category because they go hand in hand. My Cardiologists and the nurses in Cardiac Rehab helped me so much! I had faith that they knew what would be best for me and let them guide me through the process of recovery. I went from running half marathons to barely being able to walk from the couch to the bathroom without being short of breath. My heart attack was truly a life altering the experience. Cardiac rehab not only got my endurance back but my confidence and security that my heart could handle a little kick in the butt and be ok!

As I finish writing my blog tonight, I celebrate six months post heart attack. I describe my heart attack to my friends as a crazy journey. I've shed many tears along the way, had hiccups in my recovery and experienced four additional nights in the hospital. But I won't let this get the best of me. I have a second chance at life, and I won't take it for granted!! SO... PREVENTION IS THE KEY TO NOT EXPERIENCING A SECOND HEART ATTACK!! Control what you can control, smile and just breathe.

Oooops.. it happened again! Another hospital stay and still no answers

Just when I thought things were back to normal.. my heart decided it was time for another 2 night stay at the Holiday Inn.. I mean University of Iowa Hospital. It was a beautiful Sunday and we were driving back after having an amazing time with my sister and her family in Florida. I started having chest pain on Saturday but thought it would go away. And.. nope the next day it got worse. I finally told Joe and we ended up going to a rural hospital in Mt. Pleasant, Ia. The ER was small and really made me concerned that what if something happens to me? Do these people know what to do? My worries were cast aside after the amazing care I received. At first, they thought I had a blood clot from traveling but due to my history they decided to transport me to U of I for further follow up. One ambulance ride later, many hours in the ER and at 3AM finally a room! 

Nitro drip, heparin drip and many pain meds and I still was continuing to have the worst chest pain I've ever experienced. All the tests were done, EKG, Echo and blood draws and still no answers. Frustration is an understatement! All I could think about is I do not want to go through this again only 5 months later. 

They decided to do another angiogram in the cath lab to rule out another dissection. Since my heart attack I have done extensive research on this topic SCAD- Sudden coronary artery dissection. The Cardiologists in Iowa City tell me it’s rare and has a high percentage of reoccurrence. Thank GOD the angiogram was negative.. My stents are working like a charm. All they could conclude is that the Heparin did its job and busted any clot that was causing my chest pain. 

Fast forward to today.. I take my son for his high school athletic physical and it hits me smackdab

in the face.. THE QUESTION !! HAS ANY FAMILY MEMBER HAD A HEART ATTACK AT LESS THAN 55 YEARS OF AGE? For years, I have been filling out his form and like a robot mark NO across the board for his health history. And then the question I've never noticed or maybe never read until today. 

The infamous question!

This leads to a million questions (well maybe I'm exaggerating a bit) from the nurse practitioner and I again have to tell my story. I so wish I could go back to the day where I was boring and continued to mark NO on health history sheets. But, it goes back again to this now being apart of whom I am and what my kids now have to answer on health forms. 

When looking at my heart attack I continue to look at it as a hidden blessing. I live each day to the fullest and no longer take life for granted. I use to continually get stressed about the little things.. but it’s funny once you think you may not get a chance to fret about the little things in life you begin to laugh it off and LIVE!!






3-31-16/ The day that almost....

Before today, all birthdays were a day of celebration, gifts, and cake!! Today takes on a whole new meaning. Last night before bed I said my prayers and thanked GOD for giving me tomorrow. Tomorrow, why would I have to be thankful for tomorrow you ask? Well, until this year I had always taken for granted that March 31st would come. In the past, it symbolized the day I got to drive, my first beer and then last year turning the big 40!! Joe had always told me that when you turn 40, you start to fall apart. I laughed at him and thought he was nuts! Well, Joe you were right beyond your words. I had my first set of stitches from a pizza cutter incident, diverticulitis, and the big Heart Attack! Yikes, let's hope 41 is a better year.

Not only did I fall apart I almost lost it all. I sit here and write this blog post today with tears filling my eyes. Crazy right!! I should be over the moon excited that I get to go out to eat and have Birthday Cake ( Heart Healthy of course... maybe not), but all I can think about is that this day almost didn't happen.

There is no playbook that the nurses give you when you leave the hospital.( How I wish there was!) It would have chapters such as 1. Happy Days that now take on a new meaning. 2. Emotions beyond emotions. 3. Sam's Club memberships for Kleenex. 3. Grieving the old you. 4. Family, strengthening the ties that bind. 5. Never taking anything for granted. 6. Exercise.. The turtle vs. the rabbit. 7. Cardiac Rehab, bonding with strangers over your common bond.

It's been fun getting all the birthday wishes on Facebook and texts from friends and families. Although I will have to admit I have had many tears, they are happy tears. Tears, that I have so many loved ones in my life. Friends that I haven't talked to for years are reaching out. As I sit here and write I listen to the 10,000 Maniacs and their song These are the Days.  A song that holds a deep meaning. Joe and I call it our song, I listened to it over and over when my dad passed to remind me that life must go on.  And today LIFE DOES GO ON!!  In the song, it says " These are days that  you'll remember, never before and never since I promise."  Although these last seven weeks have been hard as crazy as it is to say, I wouldn't change the experiences I've had. It has made my family slow down and begin to enjoy every moment of every day. We find ourselves laughing more. Parker's favorite quote is "Mom, did I just give you another heart attack?"  Humor makes us who we are.. and everyone needs more of that in their lives!!

Joe for my birthday this morning gave me the Pandora Heart charm for my bracelet! It sparkles, just like my true heart.. for the new lease on life GOD has given me!! Both Julie and Jennifer gave me the bracelets above it. The Circle represents the path of life and the sailboat the journey.

Tomorrow I graduate from Cardiac Rehab!! I will be holding my diploma high. As one chapter in my life ends another begins!!